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CHIME Band is back: Microsoft Asian Spring Festival (CN&EN)


Jan 14, 2023

Rock in the NEW YEAR with CHIME band


欢迎大家与CHIME Band &CHIME 一起来庆新年 - 2023微软亚洲春晚 Microsoft Asian Spring Festival

CHIME Band,一支微软春晚活化石乐队,从微软举办春晚起便活跃在这𠆤舞台上。在成立近20年的过程中,除了其中两次及疫情影响外,几乎每年都参加微软华协春晚的演出。

CHIME Band 参与微软华协春晚的演出,每年既定行程,等同于回娘家演出。剛开始的Chime春晚,我们是以支持演出的目的为主。这几年Chime春晚水平越来越高,邀请的节目和参与的人员也越来越专业。同时大西雅图地区也涌现出越来越多高水平的年轻乐队。所以我们很高兴能与微软春晚共同成长,每年仍然有这𠆤殊荣登上春晚的舞台。为西雅图华人送上经典的流行与摇滚金曲。

扬眉兔气的2023 年,CHIME Band 主要看点还是用耳熟能详的经典旋律和躁动的摇滚节奏来点燃全场。三首串烧曲目:我是一只小小鸟像梦一样自由随心所欲,每一首都能让听众与我们一起在乐曲中尽情释放,自由飞翔!寻求快乐,无羁奔放!欢迎大家与CHIME Band &Chime 一起来庆新年。


CHIME Band is back at Microsoft Asian Spring Festival. Besides pandemic impacts in the past 2 years, CHIME Band has been participating and performing in the Microsoft Asian Spring Festival almost every year. We are called the first ancestor of the CHIME new year events. 

2023, CHIME Band, as always as we do, will perform Chinese knowable rock songs - for example, "I'm a Little Little Bird", with classic melody and restless rock rhythm to ignite the audience and the Asana Spring Festival Stage. We are READY to ROCK into the NEW YEAR!

Date: Jan 28 2023

Purchase Ticket: 2023微软亚洲春晚 Microsoft Asian Spring Festival

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