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At Last, CHIME Band 20th Anniversary Concert

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A Musical Legend Reborn, 20 Years of Classics Echoing! Chimeband's 20th Anniversary Concert is coming soon, blending traditional Chinese instruments with a rock band setting. Experience a unique fusion of Chinese folk and pop songs. Tickets are now on sale—get yours before they’re gone!

Chime Band’s 20th Anniversary Concert marks two decades of innovative music-making, where the band blends the rich heritage of traditional Chinese instruments with the energy of a modern rock band. This concert will take audiences on a journey through a carefully curated selection of Chinese folk and pop songs, reimagined with a fusion of the old and the new. Attendees will join the community celebration and spend a special night of music and cultural fusion.

CHIME Band AT LAST 20周年纪念演唱会

日期:9/27/2024 Fri
时间:7:00 pm - 9:00 pm ( Door open at 6:30 pm)
地点:Kirkland Performance Center (350 Kirkland Ave Kirkland, WA 98033)

CHIME Band 乐队于2004年10月在微软华协的赞助和支持下由微软华协成员及友人所组成。成立宗旨原为支持华协举办的各种诸如春晚,中秋晚会,亚裔传统月等活动。成立之后,声名鹊起受邀频繁。成立至今20周年,能依旧活跃于各大活动,带给听众们多元的音乐飨宴。

人生能有几个廿年!感谢您一路陪伴CHIME Band 走过这段值得纪念的时光。相信您9/27一定能在朋友的陪伴,伴随许多经典歌曲,比如:本场演出的名字由来“At Last”,海阔天空,安妮,乌兰巴托的夜,hotel California, 仙儿,摇滚版爱你,鹿港小镇,花房姑娘,我的心里只有你没有她,追梦赤子心...等等一起追忆青葱岁月。和着熟悉的旋律放声高歌,渡过一个欢乐又值得回忆的夜晚。

At last, it’s the 20th Anniversary Concert for CHIME BAND!

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更多关于CHIME Band 
Website:  / Facebook: Chimeband1 / Ins: Chime_Brand 


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